a.k.a. meat birds, Cornish Rock crosses
"Bertha" at 18 months
Photo © Dennis Williamson
The Cornish x White Rock is the standard bird of the commercial poultry industry in the US. The males of this cross can reach around 4.5 pounds by 6 weeks and 9.5 pounds by 11 weeks, on average. There are faster growing strains. The females grow a bit slower; at about 2.5 pounds (5 weeks) they are marketed as Cornish Game Hens. Be aware, however, that you can't just cross any Cornish and Rock and get a supermarket carcass. The parental lines of these crosses have been developed extensively over the years by the commercial industry.
"Bertha" the hen pictured above is an exceptional bird in living so long. The cross is so heavy that it usually has leg or other troubles very early and even individuals pampered as pets rarely live to one year.
Feeding of broiler chicks is always a question. Here is one opinion: for roasters feed 21% starter 0 to 4 weeks, 20% developer 5 to 8 weeks, and 17% finisher 9 weeks to market. To cut down on leg problems, they do better if feed is not kept in front of them so they can't gorge all the time. If you keep them slightly hungry they'll grow somewhat slower and their bones will have a better chance to keep up with their bodyweight.
As far as I've been able to discern, the Vikon is a brown feathered cross with a Cornish Mother and Barred Plymouth Rock father.
Hey! Wait a minute! Did you say you're gonna eat
Photo courtesy of Robert Stephenson
Broiler Links:
The Cornish Cross: What is wrong with this picture?!
Here's an article which mentions the Vikon chicken.
Eight weeks old and over 5 pounds: you can see that the
bird on the right is already going down on his legs -- read above to see how to help prevent this in your birds
Photos courtesy of Pam Marshall
An 8 pounder
Photo courtesy of Taryn Koerker
A nice pair of young Cornish crosses
Photo © Dennis Williamson
Freedom Rangers are one of the new broiler types that do fine out on range
Photo courtesy of Harvey Ussery
And here's "Bertha" at 8 months
Photo © Dennis Williamson
This 20 pound hen went broody!
Photo courtesy of Susan Taylor Aldridge
More broilers!
Photo courtesy of Jesse Branam
6.5 month old Ross Broilers, one of the European broiler crosses -- male on the left
Photos courtesy of Sandra Andersson
Here's another broiler hen
Photo courtesy of Bethany
A backyard broiler flock
Photo courtesy of Jackie Deems
Cornish cross chicks
Uh oh, is the Colonel looking?
Red Broiler chicks are supposed to have less problems
with going down on their legs
Ross-Cobs are a common meat cross in the UK
Another Red Broiler chick
Another Cornish cross chick
A broiler chick at 2 weeks of age, standing next to a
Partridge Cochin bantam chick for size comparison or
Direct questions and comments to Barry at FeatherSite -- questions and comments
Photo courtesy of Vikki in Mars, PA
Photo © Dennis Williamson
Photos courtesy of Diana Suarez
Photos courtesy of Robert Stephenson
Photo courtesy of Taryn Koerker
Photo courtesy of Taryn Koerker
Photo courtesy of Ashley Layton