Appenzeller Spitzhauben

My rooster "GrandMaster Flash"

This is the national breed of Switzerland, having existed there for centuries. The feathers of the crest should be forward facing--I have been told that Spitzhauben means pointed hat or bonnet. As far as I can understand, the proper plumage markings are black-tipped feathers, rather than the larger moonlike spangles found on Hamburgs. In the UK there is also a Black version of this breed.

With their crest, V-comb, and spangled plumage, these birds are very attractive out on grass. They are very good foragers, ranging far and wide.

Breed clubs:

The Appenzeller Spitzhauben Society GB

The Rare Poultry Society (UK)

The Crested Breeds Club of Australia

The Appenzeller Breed Society (Switzerland)
Mr. Eugster Edi
Talsrasse 41
CH-9442 Berneck
++41 71 744 34 60

Appenzeller Links:

Appenzeller Spitzhaubens Around the World

Appenzeller Spitzhauben pullets with excellent crests
Photos courtesy of Greenfire Farms

A handsome roo with a great comb
Photos courtesy of Lukas Ruetz

"Elvis," Karen Stone's Spitzhauben cockerel
Photo courtesy of Karen Stone

Karen's two-year-old Spitz hen "Priscilla"
Photo courtesy of Karen Stone

A Black-breasted Red rooster and his head, photographed in Switzerland
Photo courtesy of Kat Hentsch

Owen's Spitzhauben pullet
Photo courtesy of Owen Goodfellow

An Appenzeller Spitzhauben pair and two pullets
Photos courtesy of Greenfire Farms

The head of a male Spitzhauben (Photo courtesy of Nick Nick--The Chicken Mother!) compared with an Appenzeller girl in her traditional costume (Photo courtesy of Christian Kuster) -- it sure is easy to see what the Swiss modeled that breed on!

An Appenzeller Spitzhauben rooster head shot
Photo courtesy of Ethan Logue

And here's another Spitzhauben rooster
Photo courtesy of Tami Johnson

Gold Spangled hen and Silver Spangled pullet, photographed in Switzerland
Photo courtesy of Kat Hentsch

This is my Spitzhauben hen "Emma"

Chamois Spitzhauben pullets
Photos courtesy of Greenfire Farms

It seems they also come in Black, at least in Germany
Photo courtesy of Sascha Michel

Appenzeller Spitzhauben bantams, cockerel on right
Photos courtesy of Alex Hales

Black Appenzeller Spitzhauben hen and pullet, photographed in Switzerland
Photo courtesy of Kat Hentsch

Appenzellers from Sweden
Photos © Sandra Andersson

Here's another Appenzeller Spitzhauben pullet
Photo courtesy of Jesse Branam

A handsome Spitzhauben rooster
Photo courtesy of Sascha Michel

A twelve-week-old Appenzeller Spitzhauben cockerel
Photo courtesy of Jan Brett

Another cockerel
Photo courtesy of Rupert Stephenson

Karen Stone's Spitzhauben chicks (the chick on the right is "Elvis")
Photo courtesy of Karen Stone

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