Pekin Ducks

A nice Pekin drake

I have only one Pekin these days, a drake named "SquareHead," but I really like to explain to folks that Pekin ducks are the large white domestic duck that Donald was modeled after, and Peking duck is a dish (often containing a Pekin duck) on the menu in a Chinese restaurant.

Pekins were developed as a meat and egg breed, and broodiness was bred out of them so that they'd lay more. Therefore, if you have Pekin eggs, you'll need to incubate them artificially, as most Pekin ducks will never sit.

Pekin Links:

Stonegate Meadow's Pekins

Little House Poultry Farm's Pekin Ducks

A photo album of the growth of Masahiro's Pekin Duck "Jr."

The Domestic Waterfowl Club on Pekins

Pekins at CornerStone Farm


Roma Pekins

Pekin ducklings for sale here

Craig Russell's pair of Pekins: that's the female upended on the right and you can easily see the "drake feather" on the male
Photo courtesy of Nicole Reggia

A Pekin duck

Another, older Pekin duck
Photo courtesy of Dustin & Kristie Wilson

The European Pekins are a very upright duck, quite different from the American style bird: this bird was Supreme Champion at one of the British Waterfowl Association's shows
Photo courtesy of Rupert Stephenson

A pair of young Pekins, the male on the left
Photos courtesy of Dustin & Kristie Wilson

Another pair of Pekins, female on the left
Photos courtesy of Cody Everett

European Pekins, a young duck and a flock
Photos courtesy of Brice Wonders

A flock of Pekins on a pond
Photo courtesy of Amber at

Here's "Rock," Hatsu's "house duck"
Photo courtesy of Hatsuyo Igarashi

That's "Rock" with Hatsu on the left and here she is wearing her diaper on the right
Images courtesy of Hatsuyo Igarashi

And here's how she diapered that duck!

And here's "Rock" in 2003, at 6 years old
Photo courtesy of Hatsuyo Igarashi

Here's "Gabriel," another "house" duck
Photo courtesy of Nicole

"Glenn" is Sallye's house Pekin
Photo courtesy of Sallye

Here's "Howie" the house duck at three life stages
Photo courtesy of Brandy & Elie

This Pekin was photographed being walked on the streets of Beverly Hills, California
Photo courtesy of Tom Lisowski

And when not being walked, pet Pekins are hungry!!
No! Bread is NOT a good diet for them!

Photo courtesy of Ben Wilder

Pekin ducklings
Left photo courtesy of Jason Chambers; right photo courtesy of Lenny Leone

Pekin ducklings from Europe
Photos courtesy of Brice Wonders

A ten-day-old Pekin duckling
Photo courtesy of Mark Malagise

Words not necessary
Photo courtesy of Senia



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