American Buff Geese
An American Buff gander
This is a medium-sized goose: an old gander would weigh in at about 18 pounds and an old goose at 16. Eyes are dark hazel and the bill, shanks and feet are orange.
Here's an SPPA article on the Buff Goose
American Buff Links:
American Buffs at Rainhaven Farm
The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy on American Buffs
The Domestic Waterfowl Club on American Buffs
Welkom bij Broederey de WeydeGansch is a Dutch page on American Buff Geese (in Dutch and English)
Duckopolis has Buffs
Worth It Farms has Americans
An American Buff gander from the UK
Photo courtesy of Robert Stephenson
An American Buff
The pair in the back are American Buffs
In the foreground are Pilgrim Geese
Photo courtesy of Mary Gano
A flock of Buffs from Sweden
Photo courtesy of Daniel Sörensen
"Henry" (left) and "Abby," 3-month-old American Buffs
Photos courtesy of Brandon Everett
Another Buff gander
Photo courtesy of Kyle & Deb Yacobucci
Young Tufted Buff geese
Photos courtesy of Phillip Nelson
Two female Tufted American Buffs
Photos courtesy of Andrea Heesters
Two pairs of Buffs from Sweden
Photos courtesy of Daniel Sörensen
Head shots of two female Tufted Buffs
Photos courtesy of Andrea Heesters
A flock of young Tufted American Buffs
Photo courtesy of Andrea Heesters
Another American Buff goose
Photo courtesy of Rupert Stephenson
Buff hen and juvenile from Sweden
Photos courtesy of Daniel Sörensen
This is "Pops," my Lavender Ice American gander
I don't know my geese well enough to know if the Lavender Ice should be listed under American or under Buff as a variety
Tufted Buff goslings, at hatching and shortly
[Geese] or
Direct questions and comments to Barry at FeatherSite -- questions and comments
Photos courtesy of Andrea Heesters