Japanese or Coturnix Quail

Coturnix japonica

Wild type Coturnix Quail
Photo courtesy of Ellen Rockensock

This is the most commonly found quail in domestic conditions; domestication is known to have begun by the 12th century. Many varieties now exist. When you encounter quail eggs in a restaurant, this is the bird usually responsible.

Lots of good information can be found in the Feather Fancier's article on Japanese quail.

Breed clubs:

Coturnix Links:

That Quail Place on Coturnix

Rupert Stephenson's page on Italian Speckled Quail

Coturnix Quail Color Identification on Facebook

An Italian Speckled Coturnix
Photo courtesy of Ellen Rockensock

Tibetan Tuxedo Coturnix
Photo courtesy of Ellen Rockensock

A trio of wild-type Coturnix -- male in the middle
Photo courtesy of Shady Hollow Farm

Tibetan and Scarlett Tuxedo Coturnix
Photos courtesy of Dana Manchester, Coturnix Fanciers and Breeders Club

The head of a Coturnix Quail
Photo courtesy of Carlos Vega

English White, Italian Speckled and Manchurian Coturnix
Photos courtesy of Carlos Vega

Dark Range Quail - one of the jumbo Coturnix
Photos courtesy of Rae

A Chocolate Coturnix
Photo courtesy of Taryn Koerker

Tibetan Tuxedo Coturnix
Photos courtesy of Carlos Vega

From the left: Tibetan, Range, Cream and Lavender Coturnix
Photos courtesy of Dana Manchester, Coturnix Fanciers and Breeders Club

A&M Giant White Coturnix
Photo courtesy of Ellen Rockensock

Two Snowy males and a female in hand
Photos courtesy of Daniel Sörensen

Another wild-type female
Photo courtesy of Grzegorz Jaklik "Typowy" "Hutomara"

A three-year-old male
Photo courtesy of Daniel Sörensen

Wild Type and Red Tuxedo Coturnix
Photos courtesy of Carlos Vega

Silver Coturnix
Photos courtesy of Erin Salive

A Tibetan Tuxedo
Photo courtesy of Dana Manchester, Coturnix Fanciers and Breeders Club

Red Coturnix
Photo courtesy of Carlos Vega

This pattern is known as Grau-fee in Sweden
Photo courtesy of Daniel Sörensen

Another Jumbo Coturnix
Photo courtesy of Anthony Lapointe

More A&M Giant White Coturnix
Photo courtesy of Carlos Vega

Rosetta and Manchurian (female) Coturnix
Photos courtesy of Dana Manchester, Coturnix Fanciers and Breeders Club

Blonde and Autumn Amber Coturnix
Photos courtesy of Dana Manchester, Coturnix Fanciers and Breeders Club

Coturnix eggs
Left photo courtesy of Shady Hollow Farm; center photo courtesy of Daniel Sörensen; right photo courtesy of Erin Salive

Chick and eggs
Photo courtesy of Taryn Koerker

Newly hatched Coturnix chicks
Photo courtesy of
Shady Hollow Farm

Coturnix quail chicks
Photo courtesy of Chelsea

Coturnix chicks with a Speckled Sussex for size comparison
Photo courtesy of Kelly Schlenker

Another shot of the Coturnix chicks
Photo courtesy of Chelsea

A day-old
Photo courtesy of Carlos Vega

Black Tuxedo chicks with a quarter, at day-old and week-old
Photos courtesy of Carlos Vega

White (TAMU) chicks
Photo courtesy of Kelly Schlenker

Two more Coturnix chicks, Tuxedo on the left and Italian Speckled on the right
Photos courtesy of Robert Stephenson

A four-day-old Coturnix chick
Photo courtesy of Grzegorz Jaklik "Typowy" "Hutomara"



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Direct questions and comments to Barry at FeatherSite -- questions and comments