Here's a stepping off place into the online world of poultry. Enjoy!

[General] [Backyard & Fancy Poultry Sites] [Breeds]

[General Resources] [Specific Resources] [More Technical Stuff] [Waterers, Feeders and Other Stuff]

[Eggs] [Incubation] [Brooding] [Coops]

[Guineas] [Ostriches] [Peafowl] [Pheasants] [Pigeons] [Quail] [Ratites] [Turkeys]

[Waterfowl (domestic)] [Waterfowl (wild & exotic)]

[Farming Related] [Poultry Leftovers]

Please advise me of any dead or bad links. Thanks!
FeatherSite -- questions and comments

General Poultry Communication Sites

The Coop. This page includes a list of other fanciers, a Wanted section, and links of interest. It keeps getting better. How about a Virtual Poultry Show?

Want to talk to other folks who are interested in poultry?

There are many poultry related pages on Facebook. Just search your interest.

Here's where to go if you want to Meet Up with other keepers of pet chickens.

The Poultry Connection's seems to have disappeared. There is an on the web. I haven't used it yet, so no opinion.

Another auction site I've found is Rare Breed Auctions.


And for the UK contingent, here's Bird

This is the Egg Swapper's Board, if you're interested in trading eggs with someone at a distance.

And, of course, you can always contact me at FeatherSite -- questions and comments. I love to chat about birds (and other critters).

Backyard & Fancy Poultry Sites

  • The Palm Beach County Poultry Fanciers Association page has a fair number of breed photos and info on management of small flocks.

  • This is Andy Vardy's page Starting Out in Show Poultry.

  • Exhibition Poultry 101

  • American Bantam Association shows

  • Poultry Show Central

  • A group discussing poultry colours and genetics

  • Another one for my homeboys -- The Northeastern Poultry Congress show in January

  • Here is the Ohio National's page.

  • The Poultry Club of Great Britain

  • South African Show Poultry Organisation -- breed standards etc.

  • Mad as a Wet Hen is a page on how to bathe your birds in preparation for showing them.

  • The Pathfinders Farm page on how to wash a chicken

  • Trimming your chicken's beak for showing

  • Here's Mario Griekspoor's page (in Dutch) which seems to be on showing chickens.

  • One & All Korean Poultry Family -- I don't know anything about this, it's in Korean, but it does have pics of chickens.

  • Here's Fowlmania's home page, home of Dana, the turkey kisser!

  • Visit Birdsong Ranch and meet Clare's chickens and "Wonder," the dwarf emu.

  • And here you can see Kelly & Doug's chickens at Red Road Farm.

  • Drop by and meet Brandon's chicks.

  • Here's Egghead's Poultry and Party Info. Exchange.

  • This is the BackYard Chickens Community site, which includes a nice forum for answering your questions.

  • Here's Pocket Flocks, where Edith breeds Cochins, Polish and Sebrights.

  • Meet Alan's various poultry (and some sheep) at Touchstone Farm.

  • Squaw Creek Farm's page shows their poultry, exotic ducks, pheasants and peafowl.

  • Check out the flock at J Bar Poultry Pen!

  • Remembering Roscoe - memorial to a rooster that lived for a decade in Takoma Park, MD.

  • Shabazin keeps all sorts of game-type fowl and uses Livestock Guardian Dogs to protect them.

  • CornerStone Farm has a bunch of birds for sale.

  • Willow Hatchery, another backyarder's place, has Royal Palm turkeys, chickens and guineas.

  • Meet the chickens at Brambleberry Holler.

  • Meet the poultry at The Farm in Diggers Valley.

  • Harper's Game Farm has various breeds of chickens for sale, as well as Ringneck Pheasants, Bobwhites and Chukars.

  • If you're in Wisconsin, you can get your free-range eggs from Happy Hens.

  • Go see the Heritage breeds at Muller Lane Farm.

  • There are lots of varieties of Asian Gamefowl pictured at Orchard Poultry Farm.

  • Lots of breeds of chicken are kept by Baythorne Fowl in the UK.

  • There are lots of oriental fowl at Crowing Hills Farm.

  • There are Old Dutch and Silkies at Sleepy Hollow Farm.

  • A web camera webcam with inside and outside views of the coop and fowl.

  • Cottage Rose Bird n' Blossoms specializes in Ameraucanas, Muscovies, Sebastopol Geese and Allen Setter Bantams.

  • Here's Adele's birds at Conspiring Chickens.

  • They have Dutch, Silkies, Buckeyes, Marans, Buff Orpingtons, Pilgrim Geese and Guineas at Pathfinders Farm.

  • Indigo Egg has a nice collection of fowl, including Araucanas, Silkies and Jersey Giants.

  • Various Peafowl, Ornamental Pheasants, Turkeys and Waterfowl can be found at Mott's Bird Farm.

  • Horst Schmudde's Oriental Gamefowl

  • Chicken Relationships: The Diary of a Chicken Watcher

  • Alex's Birds has peafowl, geese, pheasants and more for sale.

  • There are various rare fowl for sale at Rare Feathers Farm.

  • Shamrock Farm Fancy Poultry and Exotics also has a variety of rare fowl.

  • Chickens one, fox zero

  • The Backyard Farmer: Falling for a chicken

  • Andy Vardy's pages on Backyard Poultry in Australia and New Zealand

  • One Earth Farm has developed the Maiden Rock bantam.

  • Aloha Chickens -- a homemade breed?

  • Letter from Birdland -- a blog on poultry plus

  • Fred's Fine Fowl

  • Grant Brereton's page -- Wyandottes and more

  • The pros and cons of backyard chickens

  • Jana Martin's fun true story "Life during Chickens."

    Urban Fowl


  • Here's a Canadian page on keeping chickens in the city.

  • This is Katy Skinner's page, The City Chicken.

  • Omlet | The art of keeping chickens! - in urban or suburban areas using their fantastic chicken house the eglu!

  • Urban Chickens: The latest trend in New York City (with video)

  • How to Search for Your Municipality's Animal-Related Ordinances

  • Urban chicken rentals!

  • The Silicon Valley elite's latest status symbol: Chickens


    Go to my chicken breed pages for specific breed links.

  • Here's the web site of the the American Poultry Association.

  • Here's the American Bantam Association.

  • And here's the page for The Poultry Club of Great Britain.

  • ELBARN: European Livestock Breeds Ark and Rescue Network

  • Poultrypages is a UK resource with info on many breeds.

  • A fair amount of breed info can be found on Oklahoma State University's Breeds of Poultry page.

  • A History of Chicken Breeds tells you what breeds were used in making various others.

  • Rate your breed!!

  • Rare Breed Chicken Chat on Facebook

  • Rare Chicken Breeds is also on Facebook

  • Here's a chicken calculator -- for figuring out crossing which genes causes what colors.

  • Meaningless sex: Hens eject sperm; roosters are clueless

  • Choosing Your Breed is a page by Andy Vardy.

  • Chicken Breeds List -- Information on Chicken Breeds from A to Z

  • Mediterranean Breeders Association on Facebook

  • John Henderson's ICYouSee Handy-Dandy Chicken Chart gives brief summaries of many breeds' characteristics.

  • The EGG-cellent Guide to Chicken Breeds

  • Here's another informative list from My Pet Chicken.

  • Here's a page on French breeds of fowl. It's in French, English and Spanish.

  • A slideshow of European breeds

  • Here's a page of the names of the chicken breeds in Belgium, in Flemish and French.

  • From Belgium, here's the Association for Promotion of Belgian Poultry Breeds (in Dutch, English, French and German).

  • Here's the site of the Swedish Poultry Club, Svenska Lanthšnsklubben. I can't tell you much about it, 'cause it's all in Swedish.

  • Avelsagg Per Post is another Swedish page on poultry breeds (also only in Swedish).

  • Izegem -- A Belgian breed

  • Poultry Ireland has breeders lists, events, info on birds and more.

  • This is a downloadable file with lots of info on indigenous Japanese chicken breeds.

  • The Dragon Like Legs of Dong Tao Chicken

  • A you-tube video of Dong Tao - rare Vietnamese chickens - in Vietnamese

  • The Ga Ho - possibly the same as the Dong Tao above. I don't speak Vietnamese.>

  • The Giri Raja or Forest King chicken: India's answer to the international food crisis.

  • The Kadaknath is a black-skinned/black-meat chicken from India.

  • How the Chicken Conquered the World

  • This Portuguese page is about chickens and other fowl, but that's all I can tell you.

  • Hoofdpagina is a Dutch chicken encyclopedia.

  • Diane Jacky's Art Gallery. Diane does illustrations of poultry and there's all sorts of stuff here to look at.

  • Here's a page of commercial stock photos of various chickens, peafowl, etc.

    Hatcheries and Poultry Equipment Supply Houses

    General resources

  • Chickscope 1.5 is the University of Illinois's site where classroom computers and chickens get together. Lots of info here.

  • This is the Poultry FAQ from

  • Raising Chickens 101

  • Chicken Keeping 101 on facebook

  • Articles on raising chickens from The Happy Chicken Coop

  • The Hen's Loft on Raising Backyard Chickens

  • 47 Backyard Chicken Owners Speak Out: "What I Wish I'd Known Before Getting Backyard Chickens"

  • There's lots of good info for maintaining a flock at Harvey Ussery's Homesteading site.

  • PoultryPages: Your Poultry and Waterfowl Resource has info on breeds, raising fowl and more.

  • All sorts of chicken info and links can be found at

  • The Pennsylvania State College of Agricultural Sciences has a Poultry Science Resources list.

  • Backyard Chickens has a forum and a lot of other information.

  • Chickens in Winter Ultimate Guide

  • Raising Chickens at Home

  • The hen and you: How to get started with chickens (also in French)

  • Here's The Backyard Chicken Site on raising chickens.

  • The Definitive Guide to Keeping Chickens in the Winter

  • Choosing the Keepers -- How to spot the REAL "Working Girls" in your flock.

  • Keeping Chickens with Duke

  • Community Chickens has a lot of information on all sorts of heritage poultry subjects.

  • Raising homestead chickens

  • Poultry Pages - Your Poultry & Waterfowl Resource

  • has another set of pages on keeping various fowl.

  • Here's a page of Poultry Internet Resources.

  • This is the site of the National 4-H Poultry & Egg Conference.

  • Here's the poultryOne page on raising poultry and raising chickens, now easier than ever!

  • Know Your Chickens has info on various topics relating to keeping fowl and more specific info on various common breeds

  • Here are some pages on chicken feeding and nutrition.

  • Chicken Feed: Traditional and healthy ways of feeding your fowl.

  • Growing fodder for chickens

  • Chicken Feed: Protein

  • Here's a page on treats to give your chickens!

  • Chicken Toys - Why they are important and how you can provide them.

  • The Health Ranger's guide to raising healthy, happy chickens without antibiotics

  • FREE Homesteading, Farm & Animal Recording Keeping Forms

  • The Electronic Zoo / NetVet has a Bird Page with many links to poultry and other avians.

  • Here's the American Federation of Aviculture home page.

  • Chickens Weren't Always Dinner for Humans

  • Why are today's chickens super-sized?

  • For published materials on poultry see my book page

    Specific resources

  • If your birds get sick you need a vet who understands the problem, Metzer Farms has compiled a list of avian vets (by state).

  • And here's their list of poultry diagnostic labs.

  • This is the APA's list of Avian Vets.

  • Association of Avian Veterinarians
  • If that didn't work for you, here's a number to try to get a referral:

    Mid Atlantic States Association of Avian Veterinarians

  • Or you could contact Peter at First State Veterinary Supply -- he really knows his foul diseases!

  • But if you're in the UK, you might want to contact The Chicken Vet.

  • More veterinary advice, from Victoria Roberts

  • Of course, if your the "natural" type, you may want to join this Facebook page on Poultry Natural Living & Herbal Care.

    De-crowing roosters
    Dr. Ross E. Babcock has done this operation and has developed a simple surgery for it. I understand he is willing to speak with other vets about it. He can be reached at:
    1215 E Northern Ave
    Phoenix, AZ 85020

  • The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) now has a page.

  • Orthopedics for Poultry Made Easy for Beginners.

    Predators and their control

  • Chickens, Predators & The Myth of Supervised Free Range

  • Fox versus fence!

  • This is Longshadow Farms's page of predator info.

  • Predator Diagnosis Chart

  • More anti-predator ideas from Aviary Solutions.

  • Coop Security: Hardware Cloth vs Chicken Wire

  • Livestock Guardian Dogs on Facebook

  • Hawk and Owl Damage Management from Cornell

  • The Chicken Chick's 11+ Tips for Predator-proofing Chickens

  • Predator proofing: There's some site, I don't remember it, that sells little flashing solar powered lights that repel owls -- aha! here it is: Nite Guard. But if you can't find or afford those, try this!

    Diseases and the like

    Avian Flu
  • Comments on the avian flu by a friend.

  • Center for Disease Control speaks on the avian flu.

  • Bird flu doctor says fear is exaggerated.

  • The Center for Disease Control on the bird flu.

  • And there's even a web book on the bird flu.

    And now that that's done with . . .
  • Are my chickens healthy?

  • Here's how to know if your chickens are healthy.

  • The Merck Veterinary Manual is now online!!

  • Here are the Poultry Disease links from Rojo's Roost.

  • This is the Animal Health Branch of California's page on Avian Health.

  • Here's a report on fowl pox from Mississippi State Universary.

  • Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection, M.g., Chronic Respiratory Disease

  • Review of the Activity of Antibiotics against Mycoplasma Spp.

  • Shagbark Bantams has a page on Marek's disease.

  • Vaccinating your chicks against Marek's Disease

  • Understanding and Control of House Sparrows, which can carry diseases and parasites to your poultry.

  • Here's a page on Infectious Bronchitis and eggs.

  • Brown Egg Blue Egg on impacted crop

  • Brown Egg Blue Egg on treating Prolapsed Oviduct

  • The Chicken Chick has pages on treating both prolapsed vent and bumblefoot.

  • The Chicken Chick on egg binding

  • Spraddle leg & Curled Toes- Causes and Treatments

  • Orthopedics for Poultry Made Easy for Beginners

  • Here we have a BBC page on the relative importance of chickens in research.

  • For the do-it-yourselfers, Rojo has a real nice page on how to perform a postmortem on a chicken -- lots of photos with instructions.

    Free-range and Pastured Poultry

  • From the NY Times on getting your own eggs

  • Robert Plamondon has a page on free-ranging your birds.

  • This is the site of the American Pastured Poultry Producers Association.

  • Pastured Poultry Resources page on Joel Salatin's Chicken Tractors.

  • "Heritage" chicken tractors from the SPPA.

  • At The City Chicken you'll find lots of information and links on chicken tractors.

  • Here's instructions for the old Sears "Easy-On" Caponizing Set.

  • And after you've raised 'em in those chicken tractors, you may want to read Yonderway's page on Field Dressing Poultry for Beginners. (and they don't mean in suit and tie).

  • NY State Slaughterhouse map

  • Is my hen laying?

  • Watch a hen lay an egg and learn about getting great eggs

  • Do You Need to Clean Your Eggs?

  • Farm Fresh: What It Is, What It Ain't.

  • The Free Range Eggs song

    Waterers, Feeders and Other Stuff

  • CloverLife Easy-Fill Drinker -- this is my favorite waterer, no vacuum, easy to clean

  • Homemade Cookie Tin Waterer Heater -- with step-by-step instructions and pictures

  • The Chicken Chick's homemade water heater

  • Home Made Heated Waterers & Home Made Feeders

  • Cookie Tin water heater

  • Shatter Resistant Bulbs: A Potential Danger to Your Chickens

    Eggs (and Embryos)

    OK! So it's no longer new--I had to keep this neat piece of art somewhere!
    The image was a gift to FeatherSite from Sondra Seeger.

  • Egg Shell Colour Chart by Breed of Hen

  • How a hen lays her eggs.

  • Mrs. Chagnon's Sixth Grade class has put together a page describing the development of the chick embryo.

  • 4-H Embryology in the Classroom has an informative page.

  • Pictures of the hatching process from Kemp's Koops.

  • This is a page on The Timing of Major Embryonic Developments.

  • The University of New South Wales has a page on chicken development.

  • Incubation and Embryology -- the University of Illinois extension's hands-on project for teachers.

  • A page on Egg cleaning procedures.

  • Easter chicks? Here's a page on coloring chicks while still in the egg uisng injected dyes.

  • How about Duck Eggs?

  • Mississippi State University's page on candling eggs.

  • Constructing a homemade egg candler.

  • If you're into eggs, you might want to drop by the American Egg Board Web Site.

  • How to scramble an egg without breaking the shell.



  • The Virginia Cooperative Extension has a page up on the Brooding of Domestic Fowl.

  • Starting Chicks On The Right Foot from Kemp's Koops.

  • A couple of interesting brooders.

  • Here are some brooding tips from Rojo's Roost.

  • The Mississippi State University Extension Service also has a page on sexing day-old chicks.

  • Melinda Sparks-Rimmer has a pdf file on how to turn an old bureau into a brooder box.


  • The Ultimate Chicken Coop Checklist

  • A virtual tour of the Chicken Chick's coop

  • Using the deep litter system in your coop

  • Chicken Nest Box Curtains -- More than a Fashion Statement

  • A page on Small Scale Poultry Housing, by The Virginia Cooperative Extension, includes plans for several sizes of coops.

  • The Domestic Fowl Trust has various coop plans for sale.

  • A bunch of coops on facebook

  • Coop construction at Rocking T Ranch.

  • Here's a page on How to build a Chicken Coop.

  • Chicken Coop Plans: News and reviews of great chicken coop plans and designs.

  • The Nevada Hen House Project

  • DIY Chicken Coops

  • Another chicken hoop house

  • Backyard chicken coop designs

    And stop by my Coops and Pens area on my Suppliers page to see what's for sale.


  • This is a page of pen designs for Peafowl from Legg's Peafowl Farm.

    Ostriches anyone? (and other ratites)

  • A Facebook group on Peacock, Pheasant, Turkeys, Rhea

  • Here's an Ostrich Bibliography, for you folks who want to learn more about them.

  • The British Domesticated Ostrich Association has a page on Ostrich farming.

    Peafowl and Pheasants (and the odd Guinea, too)

    Sorry, you pheasant folk, peafowl stuff first. This is my page!

  • For published materials on these birds see my book page


  • The Home Page of the American Pheasant & Waterfowl Society includes pictures of some exotic species.

  • GBWF (Game Birds and WildFowl) pages has info on just about all species. A major resource.

  • The Internet Bird Collection has videos, photos and sound recordings of wildfowl and all sorts of birds. Another very useful resource.

  • American Peafowl & Pheasant Preservation

  • American Pheasant, Quail & Peafowl Conservation Society

  • Tetraophasianidae - dealing with Pheasants, Grouse, True (Perdix) Partridge and Turkeys

  • A Facebook group on Peacock, Pheasant & Turkeys Only

  • The United Peafowl Association has lots of info, links, and a breeders directory.

  • Peacocks Only

  • mutation peafowl colours worldwide on Facebook

  • Pavonine -- a Facebook group on Peafowl evolution

  • This is Amy's Peacock Paradise with images of lots of varieties in the Peafowl Varieties Database.

  • Laurence's page on the birth of a peachick.

  • Texas Peafowl has over 40 varieties of Peafowl, plus some pheasants and Vulturine and Crested Guineas.

  • At you can learn about them . . . and buy peacock notecards and calendars.

  • Susan sells peacock feathers (and those from lots of other species).

  • Ancona's Peafowl has pictures up of many varieties. Birds for sale here.

  • Rock-n-Cedar has images of various peafowl varieties. Birds for sale here.

  • Bobby Castlebury has ornamental pheasants and peafowl. Birds for sale here.

  • The Michigan Bird and Game Breeders Association has a gallery of pictures of Peafowl and Tragopans.

  • Peacocks come to "Kibbenjelok" -- living with peafowl, a page with nice pictures.

  • There are Black-shouldered Peafowl at Lindenwood's.

  • There are Peafowl for sale at Prickeree Pines Gamebird Farm.

  • Legg's Peafowl Farm has lots of images and also birds for sale.

  • Here's a page on feral peafowl in New Zealand.

  • In spite of their name, Duckopolis has Peafowl for sale.

  • Many Peafowl are available at Spectrum Ranch.

  • Future Visions Farms has peafowl for sale.

  • India Blue varieties and Green Peafowl at Texas Peafowl Farm

    Peafowl Leftovers:

    The Spiritual Peacock is a page on peacock allegories in India.

  • Mr. Peacock & Friends: The TV Show


  • This is the site of the Guinea Fowl International Association.

  • And here we have Lady T's Guinea Gallery, with pictures of her brooder, keets and adults.

  • Here's Frit's Farm's page on Gardening with Guineas.

  • There are guineas at Willow Hatchery.

  • Again, in spite of their name, Duckopolis has guineas for sale.

    Guinea eggs for sale at Show-Me Silkies & Stuff


  • Here's the page of the World Pheasant Association.

  • Pheasant Breeders on facebook

  • Here's Squaw Creek Farm's pheasant page. Birds for sale here.

  • Red Farm Pheasantry has one of the largest collections in Europe. their pages are in both English and Dutch. Birds for sale here.

  • The Pheasant Genetics Index

  • Tetraophasianidae - dealing with Pheasants, Grouse, True (Perdix) Partridge and Turkeys

  • Breeders of Ruffed Pheasants in North America

  • StarHawk -- a facebook page on Tragopans

  • Lophura -- a facebook page on the Gallopheasants

  • Phasianus on Facebook

  • Pheasant Ridge has a List of All Pheasant Species

  • Breeds of Pheasant

  • A facebook page on the genus Syrmaticus

  • Chrysolophus & Lobiophasis on Facebook

  • There are various pheasants at Allandoo in Scotland, including Brown Eared, Mikado, Copper and Firebacks.

  • Fullflight Game Farm deals in pheasants, quail and partridge. Birds for sale here.

  • The Beauty of Birds considers many pheasant species

  • Laurence's "Gamebird Place" -- he's into pheasants and the like.

  • Bleueracres Game Farm has lots of pheasants for sale and also some wildfowl.

  • There are some nice images of exotic pheasants on Hidden Corner Pheasantry's page. Birds for sale here.

  • Olesen's Flyway has various gamebirds.

  • Pheasant Ridge has many birds for sale

  • They have 26 species at Redmon Aviary.

  • Many pheasants are available at Spectrum Ranch.

  • Koklass & Rhizothera on Facebook


  • The National Pigeon Association: America's All Breed Pigeon Club.

  • National Pigeon Association -- Fancy pigeons in Great Britain.

  • Verband Deutscher Rassetaubenzüchter e. V. is the national pigeon society of Germany.

  • A slideshow of pigeon breeds, from Europe

  • Focus Doves & Wild Pigeons

  • Famous pigeons in racing

  • Darwin's Pigeons

  • This is DoveLine -- the page of the American Dove Association.

  • -- Pigeon news in the Netherlands (in Dutch)

  • PigeonDB -- Pigeon Management System: The only complete online solution to help you manage your Pigeons.

  • Hawkbait Lofts has racing pigeons.

  • All Breed Pigeon Club

  • Lucerne Pigeons on Facebook

  • Mick Bassett's page - he's a Breeder And Exhibitor of Fancy Pigeons.

  • Here's a Facebook page on Exotic Doves, Pigeons & Softbills in the US.

  • Fancy Pigeon Breeders is another Facebook page.

    Pigeon Control - Some sites with devices to help keep pigeons off your balcony or whatever.

  • Warning!! -- do not buy from a company called Good Life. Their customer service gives false information and they don't do refunds even if you've acted by virtue of the incorrect info they gave you. Update: after I contacted the Better Business Bureau, they did give me a refund.

  • Innolytics -- The Pigeon Control Company -- long-term population control

  • Nixalite - Architectural Bird Control

  • Bird-X SPIKES block birds from their "landing strips." They also have many other devices for repelling pigeons.

  • Pigeon Pinups -- New York street pigeon photos

    Lost Pigeons - Some sites to help in tracing band numbers. Note: Sometimes the owner will have printed their name or phone number on the underside of the wingfeathers. Check there first.

  • American Racing Pigeon Union on lost pigeons

  • Lost and found pigeons in the US

  • What should I do if I find a banded pigeon?

  • National Pigeon Association on found pigeons

  • Lost and found pigeons in the UK

  • The Canadian Pigeon Fanciers Asscociation on tracing found pigeons


  • American Pheasant, Quail & Peafowl Conservation Society

  • Rare Quail Discussion Page

  • Quail, partridge & francolins breeders around the world

  • Dan Cowell's Quail Page has good links and will have care sheets on various species.

  • That Quail Place is another good general site with lots of info on various Quail and also Partridges.

  • Various quail are at Red Oak Game Birds.

  • Pheasant Ridge has many species and great pictures.

    Various quail are available at Spectrum Ranch.


  • You can see many varieties of rare turkeys at Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys.

  • Heritage Turkey Breeders

  • Backyard Turkey Growers on Facebook

  • Tetraophasianidae - dealing with Pheasants, Grouse, True (Perdix) Partridge and Turkeys

  • A Facebook group on Peacock, Pheasant, Turkeys, Rhea

  • This is a Guide to the Recognition of Parthenogenesis in Incubated Turkey Eggs.

  • Why is a turkey called a turkey when it's not from Turkey? Here's the history of the name "turkey".

  • And here's a bunch of Royal Palms at Willow Hatchery.

  • Fall Fire Farm has heritage turkeys

    Waterfowl (Domestic): "web"-footed friend information to be found here!

  • This is the link to the British Waterfowl Association's (BWA) homepage.

  • Raising Ducks: The Ultimate Guide

  • Here's the Poultry for small farmers page on raising geese.

  • Duck and Goose from Farm to Table

  • Ducks in the Classroom -- from Mink Hollow Farm

  • has info on various breeds of domestic duck.

  • Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary is a rescue organization for domestic waterfowl located in Connecticut.

  • Here's the page of the International Waterfowl Breeders Association.

  • The Domestic Waterfowl Club in the UK also has a page up.

  • Origin and genetic diversity of Chinese domestic ducks

  • Here's Acorn Hollow Bantams, Lou Horton's bantam duck page. A couple nice articles here on feeding waterfowl and hatching waterfowl eggs. Ducks for sale here.

  • Duck Pictures and Facts

  • And many more at Gooseneck Hill Waterfowl Farm.

  • Living with geese

  • The Story of the Girl -- a feral Embden Goose

  • Los Patos y sus parientes - a Spanish waterfowl page.

  • Here's Ashton Waterfowl in the UK, where you can find Indian Runners, Call Ducks and domestic geese.

  • There are some wonderful waterfowl posters available from the artist Monte Dolack. I love 'em!

  • See also Wildfowl Links

    Wildfowl Links

    Farmer types may want to check out these resources

  • ATTRA - Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas may be of interest to small farmers and homesteaders.

  • Synalaf : volailles fermières Label Rouge -- high quality free-range birds from France (in French, English and German).

  • If you're into homesteading, you might be interested in Lehman's Non-Electric Catalog.

    Vegans and animal rights extremists may feel right at home over at the United Poultry Concerns homepage. Stop over here for my flame.

    Poultry leftovers

    My friend Toni at Keepsake Eggs designs these eggs. She will do it to eggs of your own or she will find the right egg and design it for you.

  • Why did the chicken cross the road? -- the chicken as operating system.

  • OK, if you don't have anything better to do, you can go be dominant at The Subservient Chicken.

  • And have you ever watched a chicken dance troop?

  • Listened to chicken yodeling?

  • Or covered yourself with feathered creations from The Feathered Head?

  • The Eternal Seductive Beauty of Feathers

  • Or even become a chicken.

  • Or just wear these colorful rooster leggings

  • Therapy chickens?

  • An online poultry jigsaw puzzle!

  • NPR's "This American Life" now has its Poultry Slam programs on the web. You can play 'em with Real Audio.

  • How NYC's kosher chicken king's luck ran out

  • Go watch 'em, at the Chicken Show Home Page -- see chicken imitations, crowing contest, flying chickens and more.

  • Or, if you want to sing about them, go learn "Ghost Chickens in the Sky!"

  • And here's the Green String Farm Band singing "Favorite Chicken."

  • Or you could listen to "The Sound of Chickens," by Garrison Keeler and other Prairie Home Companion folks.

  • Welcome to Chicken Radio -- The show that's about chickens, but not for the birds . . .

  • Is Life A Smoother Ride If You're A Chicken?

  • The miracle of the hen and rooster

  • How to color Easter eggs?

  • How To Naturally & Vibrantly Color Eggs

  • Here's Nina Chebry's gallery of chicken art.

  • Elisa Mearetti -- papercutting fowl

  • Extraordinary Ordinary Birds -- poultry paintings by Lorna Kent

  • Playing Chicken with the Art World -- A poultry installation by the Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen

  • "Will paint chickens for eggs!"

  • There's some great images of fowl at Leeside Farm Photography.

  • And here's Katherine Plumer Fine Art -- lots of poultry pictures and she's gonna be doing the illustrations for the next APA Standard of Perfection.

  • Here's Tamara Staples poultry photography and a review of some of her work. There's more examples at Audubon Magazine's site.

  • There are very nice photos of chickens at Proud and Promising Poultry.

  • Some beautiful photographs of chickens

  • Jean Pagliuso's chicken photographs

  • Portraits of Contemplative and Cocky Poultry

  • Fowl Faces: another poultry photo exhibition

  • Ceramic poultry sculpture by Tammy Leigh Brooks

  • An Abandoned Indonesian Church Shaped Like a Massive Clucking Chicken

  • Meet the Man Behind IndonesiaŐs Chicken Church

  • Or, if you're the outdoorsy type and poultry crafts don't do it for you, how about goin' fishin' for chickens?

  • Historical poultry photos can be obtained here.

    The Burning Man rooster, 2008
    Photo courtesy of Liza Jane Norman

    A street rooster in Boulder, CO
    Photo courtesy of Stefan

    A rooster statue in London
    Photo courtesy of Nadya Alexander

    And now it seems to be in Washington, DC
    Photo courtesy of Bill Polyn

    Montreal graffiti
    Photo courtesy of Stefan

    Photo courtesy of Tom Lisowski

    Somewhere in New York City
    Photo courtesy of Anahy Antara

    Somewhere in Los Angeles
    Photo courtesy of Tom Lisowski

    Mardi Gras!!!


    Photo courtesy of Diana Marek

    Photos courtesy of Tom Nozkowski & Joyce Robins

    Victoria, BC

    Photo courtesy of Joyce Valenti

    Photo courtesy of Stefan

    Somewhere in India
    Photo courtesy of Stefan

    Somewhere in New York City

    Photo courtesy of Tom Lisowski

    Photo courtesy of Stefan

    Photo courtesy of Joyce Valenti

    Photo courtesy of Stefan

    I don't remember where I took this one

    Photo courtesy of Stefan

    In Westerly, RI

    The Wild Goose in Chatham, MA
    Photo courtesy of Carol Kelly

    Photo courtesy of Kristy Jennings

    back to Poultry Page

    All text ©FeatherSite unless otherwise credited; for graphics see note.

    Direct questions and comments to Barry at FeatherSite -- questions and comments