Saxony Ducks
A nice Saxony drake from the UK
Photo courtesy of Robert Stephenson
This is a German heavy breed of duck -- a dual purpose bird for both eggs and meat. The drakes are colored somewhat like a faded Mallard, the ducks a soft buff; both have a hint of greyish-blue to their plumage. Males weigh 8 pounds, females around 7.
Saxony Links:
Saxony Ducks at the UK site P*L
Boondockers Farm has Appleyard bantams
A Saxony duck
Photo courtesy of Pam Marshall
A Saxony bantam drake
Photo courtesy of Francienne & Peter Quinn
The Quinn's Saxony bantam trio, "Huey," "Dewey" and
Photo courtesy of Francienne & Peter Quinn
A Saxony drake and young duck from Australia
Photos courtesy of Sharon Kennedy-Miles
Another pair of Saxony Ducks
Photos courtesy of Brice Wonders
Head shots of a Saxony duck and drake
Photo courtesy of Nils Bergstrom
Saxony hens from the UK (left) and Germany
Photos courtesy of Rupert Stephenson (left) and Sascha Michel
The head of a young Saxony drake
Photo courtesy of Taryn Koerker
My Saxony hen "Clare"
Four-week-old Saxonys
Photo courtesy of Nils Bergstrom
Saxony ducklings at 8 weeks of age
Photo courtesy of Nils Bergstrom
A crate of American Saxony ducks
I was at a poultry show, and someone was selling these
birds. The sign said it was a new breed, so I quick took a picture. Does
anyone know anything about them? If so, please enlighten me! Thanks.
Saxony ducklings
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Direct questions and comments to Barry at FeatherSite -- questions and comments
Photos courtesy of Nils Bergstrom