Welsh Harlequin Ducks
A pair of Harlequins
Photo courtesy of Paula Wadlington
This duck originated from a color sport in the Khaki Campbell breed. It is a light breed layer of white or greenish eggs that was developed in 1949, not surprisingly in Wales. They are known to produce 275-350 eggs per year and are calmer birds than the Campbells.
Drakes weigh around 5-5 1/2 pounds (2.26-2.49 kg) and ducks 4 1/2-5 lbs (2.04-2.26 kg).
Here's an SPPA article on Welsh Harlequins.
Breed clubs:
Welsh Harlequin Links:
The Domestic Waterfowl Club on Welsh Harlequins
The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy on Welsh Harlequin Ducks
Welsh Harlequins at of all places -- Muscovy Duck Central
"Jeannine," my Welsh Harlequin duck
Two Harlequin drakes
A very nice Welsh Harlequin duck
Photo courtesy of Rupert Stephenson
Another Welsh Harlequin drake
Photo courtesy of Amber Rehbein
A young WH duck
Photo courtesy of Taryn Koerker
A Welsh Harlequin drake from the UK
Photo courtesy of Rupert Stephenson
Welsh Harlequins from Sweden
Photos courtesy of Daniel Sörensen
Let sleeping drakes lie . . .
Photo courtesy of Taryn Koerker
Welsh Harlequin ducklings
Photo courtesy of Paula Wadlington
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